

niedziela, 8 grudnia 2013

I'm not a man I was before

And now we have December... It's 6 months after I made this decision. 6 months after the best time of my life! Now I'm just waiting for Christmas and New Years. Only 6 months will separate me from summer break and english camp! I just can't wait!

Today I decided to change the way I live my life. I've just finished my training! I'm happy and relaxed. I HAVE TO WORK OUT DAILY! I can only eat healthy products and drink water. NO FAST-FOODS, SWEETS etc.

And I know He is with me all the time. I learned how to pray, how to talk with Him, and how to be thankful for everything I have. Last time Lindsey inspired me: "He is a Dad that listens to every complaint I make, catches every tear that falls, holds me as I lay awake at 3am because I'm stressed, loves me as I fail Him every day, pursues me when no one else accepts me, and holds onto my hand when I am falling off a cliff." When I read it I was like uhh... "Wow, I want be in it at least half of what she is." Lately I I have written that I love the way Baptists are talking about God... And it's the best example I can have. I was right! It's like a normal thing, and this way of thinking is awesome! When you have doubts about your faith, religion etc., just take a Bible and read it from the beggining. I know it may be hard, but after everything, you'll understand more. And do you know what is the best? That feeling! I remember how my life used to be before Jesus found me, and it's absolutely diffrent!

poniedziałek, 21 października 2013

Way of thinking

And the second month of school is over... Wow, where has the time gone! If the next 8 months are like September and October, the holidays will come sooooooo fast! How awesome! And I really need the holiday break. I really need to meet people who give me reasons to smile. I just want to sit next to Katherine and Lindsey and talk about a bunch of stupid things that are in my mind; that's the one thing I want right now. 
You want to know what's up? I just hate this town, these faces, these people.. They all think that they're my friends, but they just pretend to be because they need something... "Kasia, help me..." or "Kasia, I don't know how to do my English homework..." Ugggh! It's frustrating! And what am I doing? I'm helping them... I just can't say, "No, it's your problem, I don't care". I just CAN'T! I was fine with all this stuff until I changed the way of thinking. My real friend can always ask me for help because they're with me whatever happens!!! They're always next to me and I know they will be. People who talk to you only when they need something should be embarassed. 
Last Sunday was the second time I went to a Baptist Church. It's an awesome experience in my life being part of a church like this. The way people are talking about God is incredible! It's like a feeling you get when you like a boy and someone is talking about him all the time... It's the same feeling I have when I can hear how people who love God can talk about Him in a normal way. It's not the same like in Catholic church! Belonging to church doesn't mean you're Christian... You have to have a relationship with God and talk with Him even when you think He doesn't understand you... But God does understand you!!! Jesus is always with you and His timing is perfect; sometimes people are just inpatient... I've read many books explaining the Bible, the life of Jesus, etc. And after reading them, when I'm reading the Bible, I can understand what it says more clearly. I mean, everything that is written in the Bible is the perfect Book is truth. Before reading, I couldn't believe what people said. But now I can. I've just discovered the strength of the Bible's word. I remember how my life used to be without any real faith, and I'm really glad that Jesus found me. He's with me every single day! I'm totally thankful and my life is more easy than it was. "Lord I lift your name on high, Lord I want to sing your praises. I'm so glad you're in my life, I'm so glad You came to save us"

piątek, 30 sierpnia 2013

How life can change in a week...

And next vacations of my life are over. It was the best time in my life! Many things changed during this summer and I know that  it's better for me. So, I'll tell ya my summer story :)
It was April when I decided to go to English Camp this year. I was a little bit confused when I got the information that is Christian camp but it wasn't chance to give up so I went there. When I come to Kudowa-Zdroj my humor was very good. I went out from my car and smiled. When I walked through the hotel's door and saw all these people I thought "Wow, it must be amazing". Already during competition test I met Julie. I was very stressed, I didn't even understand when she asked me what time am I on the camp... It was embarassing but she was very nice and told me that I don't have any reasons to be stressed. I chilled. 
During supper I took place next to Julie and we had converstation. I was happy I can talk to her and my doubts were over! In the evening I met many another people from the USA. They were very nice and I immidietly liked them. 
 We met each other more and more all the time. I was spending my free time with two Katherines and Lindsey. We were going to the city, talking, playing soccer with another Polish and American people. Everything was awesome and I didn't want camp ending. 
It was Friday... I was talking with Katherine about God, faith etc. I was really happy that she was the person with whom I can share my mind and opinion and that I could tell her of what am I scared. She was listening to me and was very helpful. In the evening when she shared with me her testimony, after another conversation about Jesus and when her dad told us that living without Jesus doesn't make sense I made the most important decision 'til in my life. Now I just can't imagine day without praying and talking to God. I'm happy I decided to follow Jesus and I'm thankful that Katherine showed me the way to him.
You know? I've never thought I could be on the way I'm right now. I went to the camp thinking I could learn language ane meet many people. And I did, but the thing I'll always remember is decison to follow God and conversations with Girls. I even can't think how my life could look like now if I didn't meet you, guys!
Until I gave my heart God my life is easier and I can understand many things I didn't earlier. I hope He give me a strength to be a Christian my whole life. And remember, God wants your love because he loves you and he's still waiting for you! 
That's my story, maybe it'll help someone to decide to follow Jesus.