

piątek, 21 sierpnia 2015

Something special.

And Summer is almost over... I think that these holidays were totally the best!!! I could be part of great two camps, where God's word was shared and it was an awesome expierience!
I even don't know, where did the vacation go...It was really good time. It was great to have an oportunity to see old friends and make new ones. I've learnt a lot and I was able to teach a lot as well. For the first time in my life, I was feeling that the thing I do, really matters and that it can help someone. I loved seeing how people, who love God, share His word with others. It is the proof, how much God loves us, by using us to do work for Him. 
I've expierienced something really scary during one camp. One girl came to me and hugged me... I was wondering what's going on, cause I haven't known her... She wasn't in my group, I haven't talked to her before and I was surprised that she chose me to tell abot something, what's happened. I decided to talk to her so we went to the tent to be alone. When she started telling me, that one of her friends comitted suicide I was frozen... When I saw tears in her eyes... I haven't had any idea what should I do. It was the first time when I offered a prayer to someone I don't know... And it was the only thing that came into my mind...So I started praying but I had problems with words, I didn't know what should I say, I wanted to be careful not to hurt her more. I didn't even know if she believs in God or not... But after that she hugged me once again and thanked me for being there for her. It was one of the greatest moments in my life! I helped someone, who was feeling alone, sad and haven't seen any purpose to live.
I think that God wanted to show me, that it doesn't matter, if we know someone or not, we should help them in the very best way we can and show that we care and are there for. That's what God's people do. They help and they don't want anything in return. They show people the right way. And I know that it is worth to do things like that. It's worth to work for God!!! 

Besides camps, I had an opportunity to meet some new amazing people, who started to have an influence on my life. They showed me what really matters, what is right, what should we care about. Having truly conversations with them was a lesson I will always remember. Some of these people live so far away that the contact is possible only via the internet, others live in Poland what's cool, cause I know, that we are going to see each other as often as possible. I know that I can rely on them and call them whenever I want. I am sure that they will help me when I need it. And one women, she thought me that giving is important, but when someone offers you his help, no matter what kind of help is it, you should take it. You have to learn how to take and give at the same time. You have to let people help you. You have to be brave enough to ask for help. Some people think that  it is the weakness- asking for help. But IT IS NOT! It's normal that we need help and we should allow people to help us. 
And I know, who is going to help you ALWAYS... God will do that. He carres for you, simply because you are his child and He is your Father. When you pray, you can tell Him whatever you want, He knows what you are thinking about before you say anything. He knows everything about you and wants your happiness! He knows the depths of your heart and He loves you the same! You have to remember that, Brother. 

And... It does not cost anything to talk to Him. Just your time...but I can guarantee thet it is worth, so maybe you can try it some time? Just think about it!
Lots of God's love!!!

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